University of Southampton Calendar


Every SOTONer can now access an iCal feed of the University of Southampton 2022-2023 academic year, just using the following url:

You can use this link to import UoS calendar in to any calendar application that supports ical feeds, instructions on how to import the calendar to Outlook and other popular applications can be found below. If your calendar is not updating please remove and re-add the feed.

All the data comes from

(1) Instruction for iOS

Open the settings app, select passwords and accounts and then select add account.

Select other from the list of account types.

Select the option to add subscribed calendar under the calendars section.

Enter your personal calendar link and click next.

Click save and your timetable will now be available in your calendar under the heading SOTON 22-23 Calendar.

(2) Instruction for Outlook

Open your Outlook calendar, click on the Open Calendar button in the ribbon and select From Internet in the drop down list.

Enter yout personal iCal feed link in the popup window.

Your timetable will be displayed under the heading SOTON 22-23 Calendar

(3) Instruction for office 365

Open your web browser and navigate to and open your calendar. Click on the Add Calendar button and select From the Internet in the drop down list.

Enter yout personal iCal feed link in the popup window.

Your timetable will be displayed under the heading My Timetable

(4) Instruction for Google

Open your web browser an navigate to and click the ‘+’icon.

Select From URL from the list of available options.

Enter yout personal iCal feed link in the popup window.

Your timetable will be displayed under the heading SOTON 22-23 Calendar.

WARNING: All right reserved, do NOT copy without editor’s(Haosen Yu) permission!

About the author

Haosen Yu
By Haosen Yu

Haosen Yu

Get in touch

School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

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