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Digital System Design FAQ

数字系统设计常见问题解答 Explain the single stuck fault model. What are the limitations of this model? SSFM assumes that a defect causes a node to be stuck at 1 or stuck at 0 and that only one node is affected (i.e. that faults don’t mask). 💡 解释一下单一卡住的故障模型。这个模型的局限性是什么? SSFM假定一个缺陷导致一个节点卡在1或卡在0,并且只有一个节点受到影响(即故障不会掩盖)。 Explain the difference between “one-hot” state assignment and binary state assignment. Why is...

Haosen Yu

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School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

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